What if you've been going about hiring painters all wrong? What if there really isn't a labor shortage? What if online job boards like Craigslist could be a major cause of your staffing problems?
When you download this checklist, you'll discover the eight essential elements for scaling a painting business with quality painters - FAST! No matter what time of year it is or what market you're in.
Who even made this checklist?
This guide is brought to you by the fine folks at Painter's Weekly in partnership with The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors: Two organizations committed to empowering painting contractors to become successful entrepreneurs.
Who wrote it, specifically?
Brandon Lewis. As founder of the APPC and publisher of Painter's Weekly, he has helped hundreds of painting companies quickly scale their businesses through non-traditional hiring and recruitment strategies.
Can I download this checklist and read it later?
We’re glad you asked! You sure can. Just click the button below and enter your info. As soon as the PDF as downloaded, we’ll email you the checklist so you can print it, share it with others, and read it at your leisure.
What if I need professional hiring help ASAP?
There are no robots here. Only real, live people. You can call the APPC or PW directly at 423-800-0420 or click here and fill out our "contact us" form. Just ask for Jennifer in the office.
The Academy for Professional Painting Contractors and Painter's Weekly have distilled the best recruitment and hiring strategies being used by America's fastest growing painting companies - and we can't wait to share that knowledge with you!
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